Citazioni di focus, pagina 2
Alla domanda: "Che cosa è l'arte?" siamo portati a rispondere: "Ciò attraverso cui le forme diventano stile".
Andre Malraux in Focus n. 60
Aggiunto di Simona Enache
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La ragion pura è di per se stessa pratica e dà all'uomo una legge universale, che noi chiamiamo la legge morale.
Immanuel Kant in Focus
Aggiunto di Simona Enache
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Non i filosofi ma coloro che si dedicano agli intagli in legno o alle collezioni di francobolli costituiscono l'ossatura della società.
Aldous Huxley in Focus n. 81
Aggiunto di Simona Enache
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Non abbiamo noi in città tutti gli sciocchi dalla nostra parte? E non basta questo per formare in ogni città una schiacciante maggioranza?
Mark Twain in Focus n. 62
Aggiunto di Simona Enache
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La natura è una concretezza malposta, una faccenda ottusa, senza suoni, profumi, colori; soltanto una corsa della materia, senza fine, senza senso.
Alfred North Whitehead in Focus n. 70
Aggiunto di Simona Enache
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Hi there,
We run a YouTube growth service, which increases your number of subscribers safely and practically.
Our focus is on organic growth strategies that nurture a thriving community around your channel. We don't use bots or gimmicks, just targeted engagement tactics to help you reach the right people.
Let me know if you wish to see some of our previous work.
Kind Regards,
Hi there,
We run a YouTube growth service, which increases your number of subscribers both safely and practically.
We go beyond just subscriber numbers. We focus on attracting viewers genuinely interested in your niche, leading to long-term engagement with your content. Our approach leverages optimization, community building, and content promotion for sustainable growth, not quick fixes. Additionally, a dedicated team analyzes your channel and creates a personalized plan to unlock your full potential, all without relying on bots.
Our packages start from just $60 (USD) per month.
Would this be of interest?
Kind Regards,
Hi there,
We run a YouTube growth service, which increases your number of subscribers both safely and practically.
We go beyond just subscriber numbers. We focus on attracting viewers genuinely interested in your niche, leading to long-term engagement with your content. Our approach leverages optimization, community building, and content promotion for sustainable growth, not quick fixes. Additionally, a dedicated team analyzes your channel and creates a personalized plan to unlock your full potential, all without relying on bots.
Our packages start from just $60 (USD) per month.
Would this be of interest?
Kind Regards,
Hi there,
We run a YouTube growth service, which increases your number of subscribers both safely and practically.
We go beyond just subscriber numbers. We focus on attracting viewers genuinely interested in your niche, leading to long-term engagement with your content. Our approach leverages optimization, community building, and content promotion for sustainable growth, not quick fixes. Additionally, a dedicated team analyzes your channel and creates a personalized plan to unlock your full potential, all without relying on bots.
Our packages start from just $60 (USD) per month.
Would this be of interest?
Kind Regards,